Every API call to the Appacitive platform returns a status object in its response. This status object contains information regarding the status of the request just made.
An example status object is -

"status": {
		"code": "200",
		"message": "Successful",
		"faulttype": null,
		"version": null,
		"referenceid": "75f035f8-35f2-4ba5-b0b9-12d93b79fbc1",
		"additionalmessages": []

The error code and message property help deliver the status of the API call. Please keep in mind, this code is not the HTTP response code. That will be a 200 in every case.

A list of all possible error codes and their meanings is attached with this post. We are continually making efforts to make this list of error codes contain only appropriate error codes and make the messages verbose.