In Appacitive, an Object represents a single instance of an item of a specific Type in the system. Each Object must be of a type defined by an existing Type. The Type also defines the Object's structures as a collection of fields. Each field stores data as key-value pairs. Additional data can be stored in Attributes and Tags.
For example, consider a Student Type with the following properties
- Name (type:string,constraints:is required)
- Registration Number (type:string, const is required, must be 3 letters followed by 4 digits)
- Date of Enrollment (string, is required)
- Date of Birth (string, is required)
- Notes (text)
- Name=Jane Doe
- Registration Number=CNR4561
- Date of Enrollment=13th July,2002
- Date of Birth=3rd September,1988
- Notes=1st at National Lacrosse Meet,2001
- Name=John Doe
- Registration Number=MXZ3341
- Date of Enrollment=12th July,2013
- Date of Birth=5th December,2007
As you can see, since Notes is not a required field, we can omit it. Also the registration number satisfies the regular expression constraint.
Since Appacitive uses a graph paradigm, an Object can be considered to be a single node in the system. From an OOP perspective, an Object is an instance of a class. In an RDBMS system, an Object can be considered to be like a single row in a table.