15001 Blob with key 'blobKey' got deleted but updated object could not be set. 15002 Filename provided 'filename' is invalid. Filename should start and end with alphabets or numbers, it should not contain special characters other than '_' and can contain file-type extension. 15003 The folder name 'folderName' is invalid. 18001 Could not understand the command(s) to update. 18002 Cannot send a null or empty api-key. 18003 Items sent were null or empty. 18004 The section name cannot be empty. 18005 Deployment name cannot be empty. 18006 Please provide the id of the item to be deleted. 18007 You need to give atleast one of the three URLs. 18008 Please provide the id of the item to be updated. 18009 Item value cannot be null or empty. 18010 The property should not be null or empty. 18011 Please provide atleast one tags to add or remove. 18012 No data found for id '123'. 17001 The version number does not match the current version number. 17002 The revision number '123' is incorrect for this cloud function. 17003 Output directory is not present in the zip provided. 17004 File is not a valid zip. message 401 Invalid edge 'edge'. 401 Invalid type 'type', provided at the root of the graph query. 401 Invalid label 'label', for edge 'edge'. 401 Label is required for edge 'edge'. 34001 'notificationId' is an invalid notification id. 34002 Device type 'devicetype' is not supported for push notifications. 34003 Invalid push filter(s) provided. 34004 Push service is not enabled for your applicaton. Please enable and configure it from appacitive management portal. 34005 Invalid expiration time provided. Expiration time should be in future. 34006 Tile type 'tileTemplate' is not supported for OS version 'OSVersion'. 404 Cannot find user with id '123'. 404 Can not find user with name 'name' 25001 Incorrect password. 25002 Access Denied. 25003 Super user cannot be disabled. 25004 Token cannot be null. 25005 User or session cannot be null for auth token generation. 25006 Identity name 'identityName' is invalid. 25007 Session token is invalid. Session token : 'sessionToken' 25008 The user is disabled. 25009 Invalid 'authType' credentials for username 'username'. 25010 Email address cannot be null. 25011 The user id '123' is invalid. 25012 Authentication credentials cannot be empty. 37008 Regular expression validation failed for property 'propertyName'. 37009 Value for property 'propertyName' cannot be set to 'value' as it is not of type dataType. 37010 Value for property 'propertyName' cannot be null or empty as it is specified as mandatory. 37011 Cannot find canned list with id '123'. for property 'propertyName' 37015 Given value 'value' does not exist in canned list with id '123'. 37017 Min Range Check Failed for value 'value'.It should be greater than 'minValue'. 37018 Max Range Check Failed for value 'value'.It should be less than 'maxValue'. 37020 Cannot update or delete immutable property. 37021 Invalid Range value. 37022 Given value 'value' is not in the correct geocode format: "Latitude Longitude" 37023 'propertyValue' is an invalid value for a multi-valued property 'propertyName'. It should be an array. 404 Cannot locate connection of type 'type' and id 123. 404 Cannot locate connection of type 'type' and id 123, 456, 789. 21001 Connection with id '123' does not contain property 'name'. 21002 Connection contains property(s) 'value1, value2, value3', which are not defined in its parent relation. 21003 Schema 'schemaName' is not present as an endpoint in the relation 'relationName'. 21004 Multiplicity constraint failed for endpoint with label label. 21005 Article id '123' is invalid. 21006 The specified connection already exists between the given two articles. 21007 Label is mandatory while creating a connection. 21008 Incorrect label. 21009 The revision number '123' is incorrect for this connection. 404 The object with given id was not found. 403 Api request limit reached. 19001 'id' is an invalid long value. 19002 Invalid api-key or session 'key'. 19003 The given api-key 'key' does not exist. 19004 Api-key cannot be modified. 19005 The given api-key '{0}' is disabled. 19006 The key cannot be null or empty. 19007 The name provided is invalid. 19009 Could not find attribute with key 'attributeKey'. 19010 Cannot get certificate for deployment id '123'. 19012 Object is not of the expected type. 19013 Invalid orderby format. 19014 Invalid expression. 19015 Unable to get application path. 19016 Interface Type is null. 19017 Resolution failed. 19018 Cannot resolve parameter value as both value and defaults are not provided. 19019 Data type 'dataType' is not supported. 19020 Cannot create connection string as database name is not available. 19021 Database with name 'database' already exists. 19022 Deployment id 123 is not the same as the current deployment. 19023 No ambient context found. 19024 Failed to get seed. 19025 Blueprint id '123' is not the same as the current blueprint. 19026 Given session 'session' is invalid. 19027 Given session 'session' has expired. 19028 Blob bucket not specified. 19029 Invalid Parameters For upload. 19029 Invalid parameters for blob upload. Required parametes 'value1,value2,value3'. 19030 Error in query format. Errors : messages Revision number 'revisionNo' is not in the proper long format 19031 Invalid month. 19032 Invalid year. 19033 No logs found for 'ids'. 19034 No exceptions found for 'ids'. 19035 No personal certificates exist for current user. 19036 Invalid user token provided 'token'. 19037 Object to be uploaded is not in the multipart format. 19038 This method is not implemented. 19039 Null object, unable to perform any operation. 19040 Null value returned. 19041 'name' value cannot be null. 19042 Unsupported unit type. 19043 Search query execution exception. 19044 Failed to create given object. 19045 Unable to create index '{0}' as it already exists. 19046 Environment header is missing. 19047 The template with name 'templateName' was not found. 19048 Only similar currencies can be compared. 19049 'transactionId' is an invalid GUID.